Sometimes gratitude seems too distant when we need it most. We often want to feel more grateful, but just telling yourself to be more grateful doesn’t make it so. We ebb and flow through emotional states many times throughout our day. So, how do you find your way back to gratitude when it’s eluding your grasp?
Gratitude lives in the ordinary moments. To reclaim your gratitude, slow down, just long enough to notice…
…something extraordinary…in the ordinary.
An experience like this expands something deep inside of you. It brings you closer to the feeling of gratitude and allows you to reclaim it more fully each time.
So, take a moment to think of a time when you noticed the extraordinary in an ordinary moment. As you connect to this memory, notice how it feels. What is expanding within you?
So, let gratitude reach for you, again and again. It’s a doorway that will lead you back to best of you.