Have you ever considered how you are your own creative act?
Rather than thinking of your own creativity as a typical artistic pursuit, like art or writing, I’d like you to consider how you creatively design who you are, consciously or unconsciously, every day.
This image was very apparent when I was watching the Kennedy Center Awards. Each honoree was awarded for their creative pursuit, however, I noticed there was something more to it than that. They were honored because the essence of ‘who they are’ was also woven into their creative pursuit.
Their meaningful careers have an impact, still being felt today, because they were having a conversation with the world, through their art. They knew who they were, and by knowing that, their essence led their art and not the other way around.
Do you realize that you have this capability as well?
Anyone can be good at their craft, but it takes steadfast intention to weave the essence of who you are into your life’s pursuit.
So, what is that for you?
When you walk in the room, what arrives with you? What is that foundational piece you are meant to share with the world? Is it hope? Humor? Kindness? Or something else?
Take some time to consider what that might be for you. Once you do, choose how it will show up in your vocation, your relationships or even your day-to-day choices.
So, test the edges of your possibilities. Express yourself as a creative act.
I wonder…what will that be for you?