Kindness comes in many forms. It can be an instinctive choice, like holding open a door, or it can be an intentional choice, which is a deeper level of kindness that sits within all of us. It is not an obligation or “should” but instead, an intentional choice to tune into someone else.
Tuning into another requires ‘a noticing’ or ‘an awareness’. We often spend more time focused on our own needs. But it takes a committed presence to really engage in someone else’s world.
So, I ask how much oxygen do you want to take up in a room before you tune into someone else? And what impact does this have on your connection with others?
Kindness and connection travel together. Connection is cultivated through an exchange. It does not thrive when it is only one sided. You can offer people a richer level of connection just by taking a keen interest in them. This is your kindness expression. A symbiotic circle of giving that impacts in wider ways than we often imagine.
So today, what can you do to invest in or tune into someone else? How will you hold presence long enough to notice them and offer connection and kindness in the way that is unique to you?